Makura (枕 - Pillow)

Apr 25, 2018 20:36
A few days ago, I bought a makura (枕 - pillow) with a futon (布団 - Japanese bedding).

A makura is a tool to support your head when going to bed, and the general one is made by packing cotton or feathers in a cloth bag.

There are several theories about the etymology of the makura.

One theory said that the word tamakura (たまくら) was born because the pillow was considered as tamashii no kura (魂の蔵 - where to place a soul), then it changed to makura.

Another theory says that the makura (間座 - another kanji for makura) was born because it is a kura (座 - supporting tool) for a ma (間 - space) between your head and the futon.

Incidentally, interestingly, makuras (pillows) are used in almost everyone regardless of country or culture.





No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • A makura is a tool to support your head when going to bed, and the general one is made by packing cotton or feathers in a cloth bag.
  • A makura is a tool to support your head when sleeping, and the general one is made by packing cotton or feathers in a cloth bag.
  • Incidentally, interestingly, makuras (pillows) are used in almost everyone regardless of country or culture.
  • It is an interesting fact that makuras (pillows) are used almost everywhere regardless of country or culture.
Interesting! I've heard that in Japan, China etc. people tend to use extra firm pillows and the westerners are more likely to use the soft ones.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
Historical or traditional Japanese pillows are firm/hard indeed. However, I think that these days most Japanese use soft pillows.
You're welcome!
I see. It seems that globalization has its effect on the sleeping habits of the Japanese people.